Hazel Dell is a great place to grow and learn!
At Hazel Dell, we aspire to provide the best educational experience for all students and are committed to academic excellence for all students.
Our students come from diverse backgrounds, experiences and cultures. However, each day they work toward their personal, academic and emotional goals with the support of competent and caring adults—teachers, parents, counselors, volunteers and community partners.
We encourage our families to become actively involved at Hazel Dell. This demonstrates to children the value of an education and a lifelong love of learning. The school and the PTA host many events throughout the year and we encourage everyone to attend. We welcome at-school volunteers and at-home involvement (reading to your child, practicing math facts, assisting with homework, sharing your knowledge about a topic or accessing MobyMax). Your child’s teacher is great place to start when you want to get connected!
Hazel Dell has a Family and Community Resource Center (FCRC) that connects families to services, clothing, food and early learning opportunities for preschool students.
Being a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports school, we focus on the Big 3: Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe. Students learn problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills through our use of restorative practices and the Second Steps social/emotional curriculum. Monthly award assemblies are held to reward students for achieving their behavioral, attendance and academic goals.
Welcome to Hazel Dell Elementary!
Lisa Reed, Principal